Raising Them Review and Release Party


Raising Them is an amazing memoir by Kyl Meyers does an impeccable job of demystifying gender-creative parenting. Rather than share only academic truth or facts Kyl Mers is vulnerable and honest. They open up to the reader about the mental and emotional process they went through deciding to not assign Zoomer a gender.
Kyl takes the time to share with the reader their own childhood experiences. They share the influences that made them who they are. Traveling through their history helps set the context of their parenting choices; it also humanizes Kyl and the gender-creative parenting community.
Raising Them is full of stories from Zoomer's babyhood and toddlerhood. From the art of navigating peers and parents at daycare to the intentional exposure to diverse community, Kyl Myers gives real-world examples of how one family navigates gender-creative parenting in the day-to-day.
Raising Them shows perfectly the universal search for doing well by our children that all parents share. I would recommend it for anyone who has a child in their life or ever was a child.

 Kyl Myers new book Raising Them is having a virtual release party next month. A signed copy of the book is included with the ticket to the book release. 


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